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The Jewish Tour


The Jews were spread worldwide after being exiled from their land. Many settled in central Europe, and still others came after the "The Spanish Expulsion", staying steadfast in keeping their old faith and customs amid constant persecutions.


Germany, including Berlin, excluded the Jews from normal life, but the Jews insisted and eventually received full rights as citizens. From isolated ghettos and communities, the Jews climbed to an influential social position in the economy, science, culture and the new emerging democratic politics of Germany until the Nazis took power.


The tour will tell the amazing story of the Jews in Germany and the Nazi attempt to eradicate them from Europe!



  • The new synagogue

  • the old Jewish qurter - Scheunenviertel und Hackesche höfe

  • The first Berlin Jewish Cemetery with the grave of Mendelshoon

  • holocaust memorial

  • Rossen strasse demonstration memorial

  • the kinder transport statue.




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*Tours are private, last for 3-3.5 hours, and are tailored to customer needs, including hotel pick up at the preferred hour depending on guide availability (the custome is to start around 9:00-9:30 am).


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